
How to change your voice on skype
How to change your voice on skype

how to change your voice on skype

  • Check the results, it should be working.
  • Change its recording source from the default to Monitor of Null Output. While you capturing program is trying to capture it will show up in pavucontrol under the Recording tab. Start your capturing program (Skype, Teamspeak, etc.).

    how to change your voice on skype

    sox also have some other "effects" other than pitch changing which can be applied to the audio, you may want to check those out in man sox.

    how to change your voice on skype

    (If you don't want to record from the default source, change the above command accordingly.) The -800 in the above command is the desired pitch change, you can modify that value as you want, e.g. Start sox recording from the default recording device (default source) and outputing to the the null-sink: sox -t pulseaudio default -t pulseaudio null pitch -800 Make a null-sink in pulseaudio: pactl load-module module-null-sink Install some necessary software: sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-pulse pavucontrol

    How to change your voice on skype